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Anglican Minority Ethnic Network (AMEN) CIC is an independent network promoting the presence and participation of Anglicans of Minority Ethnic Heritage in all structures of the Church of England in the service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Though independent, the Group works with the Racial Justice Unit (RJU) and enjoys the support of CMEAC (Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns) and is a strong voice within the Church of England. Representatives from AMEN were part of the From Lament to Action anti-racism task force which was commissioned by the archbishops to look into issues around racial justice within the Church and to make recommendations that could serve as drivers of culture change.

AMEN aims to:

  • Work for a church that reflects the cultural and ethnic diversity of today's England in its life and mission; a church where all can play a part.

  • Enable each diocese to develop clear, time-bound strategy for increasing UKME/GMH participation in ministry and leadership, with clear lines of accountability.

  • Enable action to be taken at the diocesan and national levels to actively encourage and seek UKME/GMH applications for senior clergy posts.

  • Ensure action is taken at diocesan and national levels to promote UKME/GMH vocations to ordained and lay leadership.

  • Enable generic and bespoke leadership training and development are made available for UKME/GMH Clergy.

  • Encourage Cathedrals to ensure that UKME/GMH people are given a high profile at key events.

  • Enable Unconscious Bias Training to be given to the senior clergy in every diocese. That this training should then be extended more widely across each diocese as appropriate.

  • Enable effective statistics on UKME/GMH clergy, such as clergy application, appointments and resignations are collected and used to inform policy, review targets and measure progress

Anglican Minority Ethnic Network (AMEN) CIC, a Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales, company number 15628530

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