AMENAnglican Minority Ethnic Network

Chair, AMEN
Smitha Prasadam
I was born in India, studied in Wales, taught, trained and ministered in the UK and Europe; with education, vocation and empowerment being key responsibilities as Chair of AMEN and Bishop of Huddersfield.
Racial justice is envisioning and working towards a deeply enriching human community where all have dignity, respect, and opportunity irrespective of cultural heritage. Together with AMEN’s executive and members, I’m committed to champion, challenge and advocate for greater fullness for the whole body of Christ in our life and worship as the Church of England.
Join AMEN and be the change you want to see.

Vice-Chair, AMEN
Eileen Harrop
Rev'd Canon Eileen Khean Geok Harrop, Vice-Chair of AMEN, is an Incumbent with 4 parishes and church plant in Durham Diocese; UKME Advisor; Honorary Canon for Pilgrimage of Durham Cathedral; and House of Bishops Participant Observer. Of Chinese Heritage, Eileen was born in Singapore to parents from Hong Kong and Malaya (which before 1965 included Singapore). Coming to the Church of England and Ordained Ministry late in her occupational life, Eileen had been an entrepreneur, global organisation change consultant, prison governor, consultant to local and national government, hospital manager, and teacher. She is married to Brian, a retired University lecturer.

Secretary, AMEN
Godfrey Kesari
The Revd Dr Godfrey Kesari is the Parish Priest at Holy Innocents Church, Southwater within the Diocese of Chichester, Church of England. As a child, he grew up in India. He had his theological education in India, the USA and the UK.
Prior to his ordination in 2005, he worked for the Association for Theological Education by Extension (TAFTEE). He enjoys worship, reading, writing, walking, watching comedy and spending time with family and friends. Having a focus on the eternal is at the heart of his faith; however, he is keen to pray and do all that he can to be a channel of comfort, healing, hope, faith, peace and joy to those in need around him.
In addition to his parish role, he is currently the Racial Justice Officer for the Diocese of Chichester and the Secretary of the Anglican Minority Ethnic Network (AMEN).

Treasurer, AMEN
John Tasker
John is involved in building multicultural churches. He is a lay pioneer minister in the Diocese of London based in the parish of St Jude and St Paul, Mildmay near Dalston; was co-opted to the AMEN ExCo in 2022 and elected Treasurer in November 2023. John has a passion for developing mutually-supportive relationships within the world church.
This has led to being diocesan twinning officer for the ALMA Partnership between the Anglican Churches of Angola, London, and Mozambique and chair of the Mozambique & Angola Anglican Association (MANNA).
He has a background in education and business systems strategy, with a masters in theology with Church Mission Society (CMS), focusing on pioneer mission. His dissertation looked at the missional opportunities in engaging with diaspora communities in London, which has contributed to an initiative to plant a network of Portuguese-language congregations in London.
He also works with diaspora churches nationally as a trustee of Missio Africanus, and their pioneering programme with CMS that has created the first courses in African Diaspora Christianity.

Southern Province Rep, AMEN
Sharon Quilter
Sharon, was born in East London of Jamaican parents, completed her secondary
education in Kingston Jamaica, and trained for ordination with St Mellitus College in
Chelmsford. She is married to Chris, a retired banker, and lives in a north Essex village where
she experienced her call to ordained ministry.
Sharon currently serves as an Associate Priest within the Halstead Area Team Ministry in the
Colchester Episcopal Area of Chelmsford Diocese.
Before ordination, Sharon worked in retail banking before qualifying as an Internal Auditor
and later a Compliance Manager.
Sharon’s interests include Ballroom and Latin dancing, spending time with family and
friends, films (she runs a local film club) and cruising holidays.

Comms Officer, AMEN
Dele Sotonwa
Dele is the vicar of St Boniface Church, Quinton. He worked previously as an Anglican clergy in Nigeria before continuing his ministry with the Church of England Birmingham. Prior to becoming a stipendiary clergy, he worked at a number of NHS hospitals in England and the HSE in Ireland as a Molecular Pathologist.
He is passionate about racial and social justice, equality, inclusion and diversity and currently chairs the Racial Justice Reference group in the Church of England, Birmingham. He is a Bishop’s adviser on vocations, a member of the Bishop’s council and the diocesan synod. He is also one of the tutors for the Reader’s training in Church of England Birmingham.

Flo Sparham
Flo Sparham is a primary school teacher in Brighton and Hove where she lives with her husband. They have three grown up children. Flo grew up in Wales and has Bahamian heritage through her dad. She attends St. Matthias church which is part of the HTB family of churches.
She is passionate about social justice and a church that is welcoming for all. She also leads the Brighton and Hove anti-racist education strategy and is a member of the Chichester diocese racial justice committee.

Lay Northern Rep, AMEN
Canon Dr. Addy Lazz-Onyenobi
I taught at the University of Manchester for years and still contributes to Education and Social Responsibility. I am an active member of the General
Synod. One of the authors of ‘Lament to Action’. The report of the Archbishops’ Anti-Racism Taskforce which was set up to make bold changes to ensure greater racial equality in the Cof E.
I have been a member of CMEAC (Committee of Minority Anglican Concern) for years and served as Vice Chair. I have been a member of AMEN for years and had served as Vice Chair. Serving
presently, as the Lay representative for the Northern Province. Licensed Reader and a Lay Canon of Manchester Cathedral. Deanery Lay Chair of the most diverse deanery in Manchester Diocese.
I am very passionate about racial justice and believe there’s still a lot to do yet
and together we can pave the way to a brighter future for racial justice

Lay Northern Clergy Rep, AMEN
Revd Steve Muneza
The Revd Steve Muneza is Director of Contextual Learning and lectures in Global Theologies at
Cranmer Hall, St John’s College, Durham University. He has been working on his PhD researching on
‘Ethical Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development’ with the Lambeth Palace Research Degrees.
Steve served as Associate Minister and Curate in the Durham North Team of Churches. Before moving to Durham, Steve was involved in developing the Bujumbura Christian University in Burundi, a new University in his home country.
He has a Masters in Global Issues in Contemporary Mission, and his undergraduate in Applied
Theology, at Redcliffe College, University of Gloucestershire.
Previously, Steve trained in Telecommunications Engineering in Nairobi, Kenya. Steve has worked in Christian Development as well as in Business Consultancy in East Africa. He is passionate about Theological Education, Social Justice and signs of the Kingdom of God in the day-to-day joys and struggles of life.